Rs. 300
Statics flowers are long-lasting annuals with sturdy stems and compact colorful blooms.
Also called sea lavender (Limonium sinuatum), using statice in cut flower arrangements seems to signify fond memories in many people. Statics-cut flowers are long-lasting in the vase, whether fresh or dried.
A bunch of statics consisting of 8 – 12 stems freshly picked and packaged.
Tips to make the flowers stay fresh and last longer:
- Trim 1-2 inches off the stem and make sure to cut at an angle before placing them in the vase.
- Remove the leaves below the waterline.
- Replace the water every 2-3 days.
- Avoid placing the flowers under direct sunlight.
Fun fact:
Statics is also known as an 'everlasting flower' because its pretty calyx stay on much after the flower has dried.